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Coding. Drawing. Fun.
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Coding. Drawing. Fun.


React Native is Native: drawing customized background shapes with React Native Skia and React Native SVG
Advent of TypeScript 2023: Santa is stuck! (Day 24)
Advent of TypeScript 2023: Connect 4 (Day 23)
Advent of TypeScript 2023: Tic tac toe (Day 21)
Advent of TypeScript 2023: Rock paper scissors (Day 17)
Advent of TypeScript 2023: my personal favourite challenges
SwiftUI and the Text concatenations super powers
Widget iOS: how to fix the image bundling problem
Use SwiftUI Path and Shape to render your svg files: a practical example
Create a microfrontend app using module federation and dynamic configuration
A custom module for Jackson object mapper using Java Service Provider
A simple react hook to detect scroll direction
Contract testing asynchronous messaging with Pact and MockK
A Domain Driven Design dictionary for newbies
How to test your Swift source code on Linux: locally and on Github Actions
Better organize tests and run them against multiple configuration with Xcode Test Plan
Unit testing in Kotlin with JUnit 5 and MockK
Spring Boot + Kotlin Rest client cheatsheet: RestTemplate and Webclient
Swift Package Manager: bundling resources with a Swift Package
Create a service worker with Workbox, Webpack and TypeScript
Use UIKit components in SwiftUI: UIViewControllerRepresentable and UIViewRepresentable
Lazy loading of JavaScript modules by using dynamic imports and code splitting with Webpack
Add dark mode support on your website with SASS and prefers-color-scheme media query
How to: create your SUPER simple dependency injector container in Swift
Create a custom TabBar in SwiftUI
How to: enable Hermes JavaScript engine in your React Native app
Implement offline tracking with Google Analytics in your Progressive Web App
Implement a pull to refresh component for you web application
Web to native code communication on Android using JavaScript Interfaces
Web to native code communication on iOS using WKScriptMessageHandler
Clean Code: functions
Publish your Progressive Web App to the Google Play Store
Intersection Observer API: speed up your web applications with lazy loading
Flow, the static type checker for Javascript: how to use it and a brief comparison with TypeScript
Blender tutorial: Cycles overview
Blender tutorial: armatures and character rigging
Blender tutorial: animation
Blender tutorial: camera and rendering
Blender tutorial: light - part 2
Blender tutorial: light - part 1
Blender tutorial: textures - part 2
Blender tutorial: textures - part 1
Blender tutorial: materials
Progressive Web App: an app-like experience for your website users
End to end (e2e) cross platform testing for your mobile apps with Appium
Create a Swift library compatible with the Swift Package Manager for macOS and Linux
React Native: a simple architecture for Native Modules communication with your UIViewController on iOS
React Native: a simple architecture for Native Modules communication with your Activities and Fragments on Android
My first experience as speaker at Voxxed Days 2018: a talk about React, React Native and Typescript
Blender tutorial: outliner, layers, groups, hierarchies and scenes
Refactoring: a real case of a nested if structure transformed into a chain of responsibility
Rich iOS notifications with Notification Content App Extension
Blender tutorial: advanced modeling
Design thinking and Design sprint: embrace you creativity
Eat Your Own Dog Food: distribute a beta version of your iOS app using Apple Enterprise Developer Program
React Native + Typescript, love at first sight. Setup in an existing app
Blender tutorial: introduction to basics of modeling - part 2
Asynchronous testing in Swift
Mp3ID3Tagger: a native macOS app to edit the ID3 tag of your mp3 files written using RxSwift and RxCocoa
ID3TagEditor: a Swift framework to read and write ID3 tag of your mp3 files for macOS, iOS, tvOS and watchOS
The birth of ID3TagEditor and Mp3ID3Tagger and my journey into the ID3 tag standard
Clean Code: data structures vs objects and the law of demeter
Blender tutorial: introduction to basics of modeling - part 1
Golden master testing aka Characterization test: a powerful tool to win your fight against legacy code
Code review: what it is and why it matters
Blender tutorial: selecting and transforming objects
React Native: the power of RCTBundleURLProvider to build, run and debug on an iOS device from Xcode
Blender tutorial: user interface
Android Studio vs Xcode vs AppCode: a brief comparison about coding speed
SceneKit and physically based rendering
React Native: use multiple RCTRootView instances in an existing iOS app
Physically based rendering: informal introduction
React Native and Realm: custom manual link for an iOS app with custom directory structure
Model View Presenter on Android: unit test for everything
Clean Code: meaningful names
How to calculate the reflection vector
Model View Presenter on iOS: no more excuses, write your unit test
Phong reflection model
A first approach to contract test
Swift Closure: demystifying @escaping and @autoclosure attributes
Swift Closure: definition and syntax
A physically based scene with three.js
Github Pages and Jekyll: chicio coding birth
About Me