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Coding. Drawing. Fun.
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Coding. Drawing. Fun.
React Native: the power of RCTBundleURLProvider to build, run and debug on an iOS device from Xcode
React Native: the power of RCTBundleURLProvider to build, run and debug on an iOS device from Xcode

Do you know how to debug your react native app on a iOS device? [...]

Blender tutorial: user interface
Blender tutorial: user interface

In this new series of post I will talk about learning to use Blender, the famous 3D computer graphics software. A series of tutorial for beginners (like me). [...]

Android Studio vs Xcode vs AppCode: a brief comparison about coding speed
Android Studio vs Xcode vs AppCode: a brief comparison about coding speed

In this post I will compare the coding speed that it is possible to achieve in some JetBrains IDEs and XCode, in terms of code creation and refactoring. [...]

SceneKit and physically based rendering
SceneKit and physically based rendering

Let's try to build a scene using SceneKit and its physically based rendering features. [...]

React Native: use multiple RCTRootView instances in an existing iOS app
React Native: use multiple RCTRootView instances in an existing iOS app

In this post I show you how it is possible to use multiple RCTRootView instances in an existing iOS app. [...]

Physically based rendering: informal introduction
Physically based rendering: informal introduction

In this post I will give you an informal introduction about Physically based rendering. [...]

React Native and Realm: custom manual link for an iOS app with custom directory structure
React Native and Realm: custom manual link for an iOS app with custom directory structure

In this post I will show you how to install realm as a dependency in a React Native project with custom folders structure without using react-native link command. [...]

Model View Presenter on Android: unit test for everything
Model View Presenter on Android: unit test for everything

In this post I will talk about the model view presenter architectural pattern and how it can improve you unit test and your TDD workflow when developing an Android application. [...]

Clean Code: meaningful names
Clean Code: meaningful names

In this post I will talk about clean code and how important are the name you choose while you're developing software. [...]

How to calculate the reflection vector
How to calculate the reflection vector

In this post I will talk about reflection vector used in some lighting models, for example the Phong reflection model. I will show you how this vector is calculated. [...]

Model View Presenter on iOS: no more excuses, write your unit test
Model View Presenter on iOS: no more excuses, write your unit test

In this post I will talk about the model view presenter architectural pattern and how it can improve you unit test and your TDD workflow when developing an iOS application. [...]